Friday, October 15, 2010

Starting Traditions

Last Friday night, when Mr. ATC got home from work he asked me if I wanted my Christmas present early. He told me I would probably want it now. I told him no that I wanted to wait because he said I wouldn’t have anything to open on Christmas. But he kept teasing me and finally I gave in and opened the box. To my surprise it was a Canon Rebel! With all the accessories I needed. I have wanted a SLR for a long time. We were even in Best Buy recently and he told me that he didn’t like the rebel. He was just throwing me off! I was soooo excited. I took a few pictures around the apartment and was even more excited about Saturday now.

We had been planning on going Apple Picking for a few weeks, but the weekend before, the weather wasn’t that great. And the week before that, the timing was off. But last Saturday was actually really warm :) I was so happy we would finally get to go and now we had an awesome camera to document the day :)

Since we live in a region where apples are grown, I thought it would be a fun idea to start a tradition of going to pick our own apples (and hopefully when we move out of an apt get a few pumpkins too). I think it is really important to have family traditions. Both of our families have very different traditions because of our different backgrounds. So while I would like to take a few from each of our families, I would also like to have and make our own. Like I said in This post, when we get married, we will be forming a small family unit with it’s own identity. I also want our future children to be able to participate in activities like picking your own apples that Mr. ATC and I have been doing since before they were even born.

Here are a few photos from our first fall picking our own apples:

Wished we could have taken a pumpkin home 

Mr. ATC picking some fuji apples 

Filling our bucket 

Love my our new camera

Gorgeous views 

Notice who is carrying the bucket, and who has the camera 


We had so much fun picking our own apples. We will definitely be revisiting this farm for years to come :) 

What new traditions are you starting with your new family? Or are you carrying on your families' traditions? 

All photos on this blog are personal photos unless otherwise noted. Please do not redistribute as your own. If you would like to use any, please send me an email. Thanks :) 

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