Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sip and Scan

A few weeks ago, I received an email from the knot informing me of a sip and scan event at Macy's for wedding registries. I got really excited because I knew we had to do this and how cool that they would provide refreshments and food!?

Well last Wednesday we headed to the mall and I am so glad we ate dinner first! They had 2(!) different passed hors d'oeuvres and some weird drink that I didn't even try. I was a little disappointed, but it didn't matter, we were there to register for everything we could think of. They provided us with a list, but this bride cam prepared with her own. Yeah, I got lots of comments on that, but I like to be prepared and organized! I know what we need better than the generic list they give out.

They also had representatives there from different brands like Denby, Cuisinart, Kitchen Aid, etc. Yes, they can be helpful if you have specific questions, but honestly, I found them quite annoying and time consuming. As soon as you walked into their area, they were all over you. I'm here already, I am registering for your products! But they just talked and talked, and this girl was on a mission. We spent almost two hours there, and I didn't get to register for everything on my list because of the time suck we were stuck in. However, the Macy's reps were really helpful and nice. And when we left, they did give us a bag with Macy's champagne flutes and a spatula with hearts on it. So it was nice to get something that I wasn't expecting.

I definitely thought that registering for gifts was going to be a lot more fun. In reality, it is overwhelming and like I said before, time consuming. I was so tired from walking around by the end. And it was really hard for me to make decisions because these are gifts that we will keep for years and years and tell are children that they were wedding gifts. And whenever I looked to Mr. ATC for help on deciding, he would just shrug his shoulders and start to look at something else. GR! I am happy that we have the ability to change and edit our list online though! In the end our philosophy was just register for the item we want, say a food processor, and then come back online and edit to which one we like the best. It definitely helped things run more smoothly. Now I just have to actually look at the list again online :)

Oh, and here is a pic of Mr. ATC using the scan gun. It's the only one I took because I was so overwhelmed/ distracted.

Doesn't he look like he is concentrating so hard? haha :)

We also plan to register at target too, so hopefully that process will be easier since we are veterans now haha. We have also tossed around the idea of doing a honeymoon registry. Any thoughts/ advice on that would be welcome!

Did you find registering for gifts overwhelming as well? Or did you also attend a Sip and Scan event? I would love to hear other opinions on the event.

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