Saturday, October 23, 2010

Amidst the Wedding Planning

As I mentioned in this post, my busy week not only involved stealing ringsstarting traditionscontinuing traditionsfinding a DJ, and registering, but I also ran around town to 2 different interviews in 2 days! The first was the major one, the really important one, the second with the same company (they felt bad and had to give me the job). The second interview was a part time job I applied for just to have some income. It has almost been 6 months since I graduated from college. Granted, only 3 of those months I actually spent job hunting, the others were spent traveling. But that grace period for my loans was about to end, and there is this small party Mr. ATC and I are trying to plan and save for, for next summer too. Needless to say, we were both really stressed since we only had one income. Well as my luck would have it, I accepted the part time job the same day as my interview (wednesday) and got the job offer for the other job on friday!

Such a perfect way to start the weekend! And had us both really happy for our engagement shoot that we had the next day!

So while I am really thankful to have found a job in this economy, I am kinda sad that I won't be able to plan our wedding full time as I have been since we got engaged.

Was anyone else able to plan their wedding full time? The whole time, or maybe just for a few months?

P.s Shout out to our friends Danielle and Richard who are getting married today! I hope you both have a fantastic day! <3


  1. I totally just read this Rachel! You are so sweet. I'm catching up on your adorable wedding blog :)

