Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Conversation About Reception Lighting

The other night was a regular weeknight for us. A quick dinner followed by the TV series of the month, which happens to be Dexter. We are only on season 3 so no spoilers, Please!

Well in between episodes, Mr. ATC got up to check his email. He was standing over his computer and must have noticed the light that was on his shelve above his desk. It is a runway light from the airport he used to work at. These lights would be at the end of the runway indicating where the runway is, so the pilot knows where to land. No worries though, he didn’t steal this one, it was trash. But he saved it in hopes of putting a blub in it one day to make a pretty neat lamp. Well it is sort of shaped like an insulator. And my mom happens to collect these antiques. Of course Mr. ATC knows this.

So he brings the light over to me and in one of his many go to funny voices he tells me I should give it to my mom and tell her it’s an insulator.

I say to him that she would know the difference.

He proceeds to take it over to the dining room table where the lamp is still on from dinner. He places the blue light over the bulb inside the lamp, casting a pretty nice blue glow.

Miss DNA: Hey! We could do that for lighting at the reception!
Mr. ATC: I know where to get a lot more of these, for FREE!
Miss DNA: Oh yeah!?
Mr. ATC: {still in his funny voice} Yeah, a pilot calls and says ‘Guess Who?’ I say ‘Guess Where!?’

We laughed for about 10 minutes. Then he told me he didn’t come up with the joke. He said it’s a pretty common ATC joke. But I didn’t care. It was hilarious!

It’s moments and nights like these that I know I love him and he loves me. Not a significant gesture of trying to show he cares; but a night in, on the couch, just a regular, everyday, Wednesday.

During this planning process and stressful time for us, I’d like to remember and take in more of these moments. And I hope this reminds you to do the same.

What small ways do you notice the love in your relationship? 

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