Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Drama in the Lab

And no, I’m not talking about my new job, I am talking about our apartment. Our Photographer sent over a picture for us to use for our save the dates since we want to get them sent out soon. Well the picture is awesome, and such a tease! I can’t wait to see the rest of them!

Well this picture has become the source of the drama. We went ahead and put the picture into our save the date in photoshop and Mr. ATC played around with it until we liked it. Then he got antsy and wanted to try a test run on the magnet paper we bought a while back for this project. Well the paper got stuck and we both heard a snapping noise and now the printer is broken. Mr. ATC is frantically and angrily trying to fix it. OY VEY! I seriously hope he can fix it because it is our only printer and necessary to finish our save the dates and for everyday printing purposes.

This really puts a damper on our progress and this project. I really didn’t want to spend the extra money on having them printed for us, but it looks like that may need to happen, or spend the money on a new printer... 

Next, I promise a more fun post about my dress :) 

But did anyone else have a problem like this that halted a project? 

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