Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mountaintop Proposition: Part 3

Caution: Photo Overload!
*all photos are from our personal Europe Archive.

June 8th­, 2010 started out just like any other day……..except we woke up in Zermatt, Switzerland! We had breakfast at our hotel, which was provided and got ready for our first full day in Zermatt. I even have a few nice pre-proposal photos of me not suspecting a thing! 

The hike that Mr. ATC had planned for the day was amazing. We had such a great time taking in all the views. Our original destination was a lake near where we got engaged. Mr. ATC later told me he thought that would be a nice place to pop the question but when we got there he was a little disappointed because it looked like this

To some it may not look that bad if you try to ignore the huge drainpipe. But what you cannot see to the left in this photo is a HUGE, ugly, orange, structure that is apparently meant for children to play in? (WTF face) Now I wish I had a better picture of it, but here it is from a little far away. 

However, there was a small glimmer of hope for Mr. ATC because he spotted a house a little further up the trail. He convinced me to keep going because they may have had a bathroom, which I needed! 

As we got closer I realized this place was closed and the hope of an open bathroom disappeared quickly, but Mr. ATC was still able to convince me to keep going. Despite how high and long we had hiked.

We got there and realized it was a ski lodge with a restaurant and bar, which they use during the winter and probably later in the summer. We happened to be there during Zermatt’s off-season.

Anyway, we got there and took a look around

We took advantage of the benches they had along one side and took in the views while we rested. We realized that it took us just under 3 hours to get there! However we weren’t alarmed as the guide we picked up at the Tourist Information Center said the hike time was about 2 hours. Considering how much time we stopped to take pictures and admire the views, I think we did pretty well!

However, there was a VERY important factor hanging over us the whole time. We had to make it back to where we started the hike by 5:20 because that’s when the last cable car train was heading back down to the town. If we missed that train, we would have had to hike an extra 2 hours down (I know this because we did that hike later in the week, however I only knew that it would take a while to get down at the time).

Mr. ATC set a time for us to leave by, which he thought was adequate to get us back to the cable car. We sat there resting for a while, and stole the Wifi signal that was there from the lodge to write an email to my mom. A few minutes before the determined time I asked him if he was ready to go because I definitely did not want to be late. He said he would in a few minutes. So I took advantage of the extra resting time and leaned my head on his shoulder. As I did this I realized his heart was pounding! I asked him if he was ok and then thought, he really does need the extra time to rest. A few more minutes go by and I reposition my head on his shoulder again and hear his heart STILL pounding. At this time I was sort of concerned for his health. He could tell I was a little worried when I asked the second time and said he was fine he was just nervous. I gave him a very puzzled look (still not suspecting a proposal!) and then he said he was nervous because he had an important question to ask me that he had been meaning to ask. That’s when I knew what was coming! I really wish I could remember everything he said but I was too busy repeating OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Of course I said yes! We both teared up, we hugged, we kissed, and we snapped some photos!

In case you’re wondering, we RAN down that mountain and made the last train with 5 minutes to spare!

Were you totally surprised when you significant other proposed? Were you on a time crunch like us and had to be somewhere shortly after? 

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