Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mountaintop Proposition: Part 2

Before I get to the good part, lets rewind. Mr. ATC and I have been dating for 6 years, coming up on 7. Therefore, we have both met the families, etc. My mom loves Mr. ATC. And because she is my mother, has asked me numerous times about when we would get married. Since we dated for so long, conversations of our future were brought up frequently and we both knew that we wanted to one day get married. We both also wanted to wait until after I graduated from college. Never did I think it would happen so soon after graduation though!

Between the last few months of school and before we left for our trip. SO MANY PEOPLE brought up a proposal. Funnily enough, no one knew except his parents and sister and they were not the ones to bring it up.

First was mama DNA who thought it would be romantic if he proposed at the top of the Eiffel Tower (that’s were we went after Switzerland). Next was my aunt who told me that if I didn’t get a job, Mr. ATC would never propose. Then was my best friend. And then another good friend who also predicted he would propose in Europe.

Let me tell you, even after all of these conversations about proposals, I was still SO SURPRISED when he did in Switzerland. Of course that’s because I had to tell my self not to expect it to happen because 1) I didn’t want to be disappointed when it didn’t and 2) I just really wanted to enjoy our trip together without second guessing everything. And honestly I was so distracted by the excitement of actually travelling when I had planned this trip for so long. So that definitely helped keep my mind off of a possible proposal.

Next up is the actual question asking and answering. Don't miss it! 

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