Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just a guess, but I'm thinking the words 'Joint Checking' are flashing in your head right now

+50 awesome points if you can name that movie!

Back to business on a very serious topic: Combining incomes, or a joint checking account.

We sort of already have one set up but its purpose is for saving money for wedding expenses. It is not our main checking account. I do not want to combine any accounts until we are married. Even then I still want to have my own separate saving and checking accounts. I know for some people they find it easier to have one account for both incomes. But I don’t think that is going to work for us. We have recently had to have this financial talk. Not because we felt it was something that needed to be discussed because we are getting married, but because my nearest and dearest best friend is ending her 4-year relationship because of combined income issues.

While I won’t go into her details, I will tell you ours. Yes, Mr. ATC will be making significantly more money than I will be starting out, but I don’t feel that it means he has to pay for everything. Our goal is to have one account that we both contribute equally to for monthly expenses such as rent/mortgage, electricity, cable, etc. Then whatever money we have left over is our own ­–In our own accounts. I know some people may disagree with this, but I think it’s what will work best for us. I like to have my own money. I have had my own money since I started working at 14. I don’t want to be lectured or questioned on how I spend the money I earn. Yes I will have less money left over per month than Mr. ATC, but it will still allow me to be financially independent to an extent.

We both feel that as long as we are both contributing equally or close to equally to OUR expenses then we should be allowed to spend the left over money EACH of us earns however we like (within reason).

Are there any other Brides out there who feel the need to be somewhat financially independent? 

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