Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mountaintop Proposition: Part 1

So I thought maybe it was time to tell the story of how Mr. ATC and I got engaged. And because I love suspense, it will be divided into three posts.

As a graduation gift to myself I planned a month long trip to Europe. Mr. ATC lucked out and I chose to take him with me for two weeks! The other two weeks were spent with my mom who has never had the opportunity to go abroad. I loved sharing that with her and the very beginning of our engagement. It was such an amazing time in my life! I will absolutely never forget it! Of course that would be difficult to do with the 1000+ pictures I now have saved on my computer that I may or may not randomly visit.

Anyway, I spent a very long time planning for this trip and I loved every minute of it! Mr. ATC must have realized my planning abilities and decided to propose so that I could have something else to plan :)

The first half of our trip started by visiting Mr. ATC’s family in London (yes he is British, yes he has an accent­–I am sooo lucky!) Then I decided I wanted to spend some time in one of my motherlands, Scotland. Dad DNA is Scottish making me half Scottish. We spent an amazing 2 days in Edinburgh and then headed back to London to visit more family.

The next stop on our tour was Switzerland. Mr. ATC picked out this destination and I gave him full control of planning (more like I allowed him to look things up and I still had the final say). For him this was his favorite part of the trip. And because he proposed there, it became mine as well. 

Stay tuned for the rest of our proposal story! 

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