Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jump start on DIY

To celebrate confirming a date for our engagement photos, I thought I would attempt my first WR project. This project did not start out as a WR project. I’ve actually been meaning to do this since around Christmas time last year. Procrastinate much?

Last year around Christmas, I picked up these really cute hair flower clips from Forever 21. I got a few for my friends and sister as a little stocking stuffer. I even picked up one for myself with the thought of taking it off the clip and gluing it to a headband.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Bride and the Three Venues

As soon as I got back from Europe, I signed up for the Knot and immediately started researching venues. I never thought that I would really start visiting venues soon, but had fun looking at places. Then Mr. ATC suggested we start actually visiting places so I agreed and we looked at his favorite place first.

Enter Boulder Ridge at Ski Liberty

Saturday, September 25, 2010

When Your Dream Day Becomes a Nightmare

I had my first second wedding-related dream within 2 months of our engagement. It involved our photographer and an engagement photo session. We recently meet with our photographer and we fell in love he is so amazing and up for anything. Well this aspect of course translated into my dream nightmare. The photo shoot (in the dream) started out great. We got those amazing shots at sunset that I have been obsessing over.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mountaintop Proposition: Part 3

Caution: Photo Overload!
*all photos are from our personal Europe Archive.

June 8th­, 2010 started out just like any other day……..except we woke up in Zermatt, Switzerland! We had breakfast at our hotel, which was provided and got ready for our first full day in Zermatt. I even have a few nice pre-proposal photos of me not suspecting a thing! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mountaintop Proposition: Part 2

Before I get to the good part, lets rewind. Mr. ATC and I have been dating for 6 years, coming up on 7. Therefore, we have both met the families, etc. My mom loves Mr. ATC. And because she is my mother, has asked me numerous times about when we would get married. Since we dated for so long, conversations of our future were brought up frequently and we both knew that we wanted to one day get married. We both also wanted to wait until after I graduated from college. Never did I think it would happen so soon after graduation though!

Between the last few months of school and before we left for our trip. SO MANY PEOPLE brought up a proposal. Funnily enough, no one knew except his parents and sister and they were not the ones to bring it up.

First was mama DNA who thought it would be romantic if he proposed at the top of the Eiffel Tower (that’s were we went after Switzerland). Next was my aunt who told me that if I didn’t get a job, Mr. ATC would never propose. Then was my best friend. And then another good friend who also predicted he would propose in Europe.

Let me tell you, even after all of these conversations about proposals, I was still SO SURPRISED when he did in Switzerland. Of course that’s because I had to tell my self not to expect it to happen because 1) I didn’t want to be disappointed when it didn’t and 2) I just really wanted to enjoy our trip together without second guessing everything. And honestly I was so distracted by the excitement of actually travelling when I had planned this trip for so long. So that definitely helped keep my mind off of a possible proposal.

Next up is the actual question asking and answering. Don't miss it! 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mountaintop Proposition: Part 1

So I thought maybe it was time to tell the story of how Mr. ATC and I got engaged. And because I love suspense, it will be divided into three posts.

As a graduation gift to myself I planned a month long trip to Europe. Mr. ATC lucked out and I chose to take him with me for two weeks! The other two weeks were spent with my mom who has never had the opportunity to go abroad. I loved sharing that with her and the very beginning of our engagement. It was such an amazing time in my life! I will absolutely never forget it! Of course that would be difficult to do with the 1000+ pictures I now have saved on my computer that I may or may not randomly visit.

Anyway, I spent a very long time planning for this trip and I loved every minute of it! Mr. ATC must have realized my planning abilities and decided to propose so that I could have something else to plan :)

The first half of our trip started by visiting Mr. ATC’s family in London (yes he is British, yes he has an accent­–I am sooo lucky!) Then I decided I wanted to spend some time in one of my motherlands, Scotland. Dad DNA is Scottish making me half Scottish. We spent an amazing 2 days in Edinburgh and then headed back to London to visit more family.

The next stop on our tour was Switzerland. Mr. ATC picked out this destination and I gave him full control of planning (more like I allowed him to look things up and I still had the final say). For him this was his favorite part of the trip. And because he proposed there, it became mine as well. 

Stay tuned for the rest of our proposal story! 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Colorize Me!

What is it about color that makes me so indecisive!? The first question people usually ask me is “What are your wedding colors?” And I just want to scream at them that I have NO CLUE! But honestly that would be socially unacceptable. But it is true people. I have no clue.

I love color. I love all most colors equally. Our wedding is a summer wedding in August so I want the colors to be fun and summery but I nixed yellow from the beginning. Yes it’s true, my room used to be kayak yellow, but I digress. Yellow has its place in the rainbow, just not at my wedding. So that left every other color under the sun to choose from.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The digital, web browsing kind.

I am such a nerd!  I just organized all of my wedding related (WR) bookmarks into little appropriately titled folders. It just made sense so that now when I am looking for a specific project or idea, I can find it faster!

Yay for organization!! It keeps me sane. How do you keep your wedding inspiration organized?  

Monday, September 13, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

It’s been exactly 4 months since our engagement and we have a little over 11 months to plan. So far we have chosen a date, booked a venue and a photographer. We have also purchased materials for our invitations and Save the Dates as well as designed our save the dates. All we need now to get those babies out is our engagement photos! Which we are hoping will be done sometime in Mid-October when the leaves have changed :) 

Oh yeah and there’s that little white dress I purchased during my first dress appointment! More on that later :) 

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Just a little background information about us. 

Mr. ATC and I met while he was in college in FL (where I am from) almost 7 years ago. He went to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and now works as an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) at a major airport in the DC area. He is very smart, funny, outgoing, and family oriented. 

I, on the other hand, am Miss DNA. I just graduated with a degree in biochemistry. I love all things science, I think I'm funny at times, I have a lot of patience to put up with all of Mr. ATC's shenanigans, and I love to travel. 

I can't wait to finish planning our little soiree and to marry my other half :)