Sunday, November 14, 2010

Enjoying Our Engagement

I was inspired to write this post and intrigued about how long couples waited after they got engaged to tell their friends and families?

You can read about our engagement here, and about the ring purchase here.

We got engaged in the afternoon around 4:00 pm ish in Switzerland, which would have been around 10 am in the US. We had the whole afternoon and evening to ourselves after the proposal. We went back to the hotel and I wrote in my European journal and we decided to go to a nice dinner to celebrate. We had a really nice dinner and I felt like we were the only couple in the world. When we got back to the hotel it was late, but we were 6 hours ahead and I wanted to call my mom. We didn’t have a phone, but we had Mr. ATC’s ipod touch with a skype app and since the hotel had wifi, I was able to call my mom. I was hoping she would have been leaving work because I know her cell phone reception isn’t that great at work, but I did get through and she stepped outside so we wouldn’t get disconnected. I told her the news and she was so happy she cried. The next day I posted about our engagement on facebook and that’s how everyone else found out besides my best friend and MOH who didn’t have facebook then. I called her the next day as well.

Mr. ATC’s parents and sister knew about the ring and knew he would propose while we were in Europe. But they found out through facebook when it actually did happen.

I’m so glad we waited and had a quiet evening to ourselves before we got flooded with attention and questions. It makes me wonder how different this would have been if we got engaged in the US. I like to think that I still would have waited, but it would have been easier to pick up the phone and make some calls.

So I was just curious about how long you waited to tell your friends and family about your engagement?

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