Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jump start on DIY

To celebrate confirming a date for our engagement photos, I thought I would attempt my first WR project. This project did not start out as a WR project. I’ve actually been meaning to do this since around Christmas time last year. Procrastinate much?

Last year around Christmas, I picked up these really cute hair flower clips from Forever 21. I got a few for my friends and sister as a little stocking stuffer. I even picked up one for myself with the thought of taking it off the clip and gluing it to a headband.

Well that was the plan. And there the poor headband and flower sat neglected for about 10 months until today.

After confirming with our photographer, I started thinking about what we should wear. That’s when I remembered the hair clip and the headband sitting in their basket getting lonely.

I told my sister over Christmas that I was thinking about putting the flower on a headband and she also liked the idea. Since I gave her two clips she decided to put one on a headband and keep the other one in its original form. She didn’t actually remove the flower from the clip until after I left to go back to college, but she told me it was kind of difficult because of the way it was glued. Today I witnessed this, but I was armed with a knife, because that’s what she told me ended up working for her. I got to work and within about 5 minutes the flower was freed from its clip.

I put the headband on my head and played around with the placement of the flower to get an idea of where I would like to glue it. I marked the place with a pencil and then I super glued the flower to the headband. I’m sure hot glue would also work, but super glue was more accessible at the time.

Now I have a super cute headband to wear for our photos! Now I feel ready to take on all the WR projects that are starting to pile up.

Did any event give you the push you needed to start a project you’ve been meaning to start? 

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