So I think we have finally decided on colors for the wedding. After
this post, I sort of stopped thinking about colors for a while because I didn't want to obsess and pressure myself into making a decision. So I just sat on it for a while.
One night while we were out for dinner a few weeks ago, I asked Mr. ATC his opinion on the colors of the wedding. I told him that I was really liking purple but couldn't decide what other colors to go with it. He told me that he really liked blue. I tried to think of how we could incorporate both colors for the wedding, but I didn't want a navy or royal blue with the purple because I thought the colors were too dark together.
Then I started researching blue weddings to see if there was anything out there that I liked with blue as a main color. That's when I came across peacock themed weddings. I realized that I had seen this color combo previously during the very beginning of our engagement and had forgotten about it.